
Thank you for donating to Listening Hearts Ministries! Every drop of water counts! Please click the “GIVE to Listening Hearts” button below. You will be directed to PayPal, where you have the option of using your PayPal account or paying with a credit card (which requires no PayPal account). Please note: PayPal collects a fee of 2.5% for all online donations. Please consider adding that amount onto your contribution if you would like Listening Hearts to receive your full intended amount. And thank you for your generosity! If you prefer not to donate online, you may send a check to Listening Hearts Ministries, 3000 Chestnut Ave., Suite 100-B, Baltimore, MD 21211.

If you would like your gift to be made in memory of, in honor of, or in the name of someone, please send an email to with that individual’s name, and the name and address of anyone who should be notified about your gift.


Listening Hearts operates through the support of our followers. There are many ways for you to support us in addition to financially!

We regularly need volunteers to help us in the office. Regular tasks include:

  • Preparing materials for upcoming programs
  • Assisting with mailings
  • Writing and editing newsletters and blog posts
  • Creating graphic and design elements

If you are interested in assisting us with these or other tasks, please contact Laura McConnell.