Frances Sullinger, Trustee

Frances Sullinger became a trustee in 2002. She is a member of the administrative committee and the executive committee, where her area is client development. Frances was trained in discernment in 1990 as part of a field test group at the Church of the Holy Comforter in Vienna, Virginia, where she is still a member. She now serves her church community as coordinator for its Listening Hearts discernment team and as co-mentor for the adult confirmation classes. She collaborated with Suzanne Farnham in developing the Title III Training Program for Episcopal Commissions on Ministry. As a Senior Associate for Listening Hearts Ministries, she trains trainers and diocesan facilitators and leads retreats for congregations and small groups.

Frances earned BS and MS degrees in theatre, speech and English at Texas A & M, and completed a year of doctoral work in structural linguistics at Denver University. She taught at Concord College in West Virginia, East Texas State University, the University of Denver and in the overseas division of the University of Maryland. Later, she joined the U.S. Department of State as a commissioned Foreign Service Officer. Following her retirement, she continued facilitating professional development seminars for the Foreign Service.

Frances lives in Centreville, Virginia, and maintains a home on the Greek island of Hydra. She is a widow with a daughter and two grandchildren who live nearby.

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