To train participants in the art of facilitating and mentoring spiritual discernment groups using the Listening Hearts approach.


This program includes an intensive, four-day retreat and a five-week at-home component to train participants in the art of facilitating and mentoring spiritual discernment groups using the Listening Hearts approach.

The program will be offered in partnership with the Beecken Center of Sewanee University from March 12-16, 2019. The site of the training will be the DuBose Center in Monteagle, TN. Registration and further details are available on the Beecken Center website, and the deadline for registration is January 24.

Intended Audience

Prospective trainers must be well formed spiritually, committed to the principles put forth in Listening Hearts: Discerning Call in Community, and have leadership ability. Education for Ministry (EfM) mentors may be particularly drawn to the prayerful listening and discernment techniques taught during this program.

Summary of Content

The retreat will include communal meditation activities, workshops that teach the practical aspects of teaching spiritual discernment, and a series of discernment sessions, each of which is followed by a reflective review to gain insight into the elements that bring forth fruitful discernment. This contemplative program has an “at home” component. For five weeks prior to the retreat, participants will engage in short readings, creative meditation exercises, and online sharing of reflections. Finally, each participant will prepare a one-page summary of a discernment issue with which they are wrestling.